The Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) is another Activation Function used in deep learning models. It combines features of the Rectifier Linear Unit Activation Function (ReLU) and sigmoid-based activations, which is effective in tasks like Natural Language Processing.
GELU is useful because, in contrast to ReLU, it has smooth non-linear transitions which makes it more adaptive to small input changes. Similarly, its formula scales inputs based on their likelihood of being positive, modelled by a normal distribution. The negative values of , the output smoothly approaches zero, and for positive, the output asymptotically increases (but not linearly) to reduce instability.
It has outperformed ReLU and other activations like Sigmoid Activation Function and Hyperbolic Tangent Activation Function (tanh) in various benchmarks, particularly in architectures like BERT and GPT. It is particularly useful in models requiring fine-grained feature learning and sophisticated non-linearities, especially Transformers and Natural Language Processing tasks) where GELU contributes to smoother convergence and better generalization).
It can be defined as:
- is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution:
- is the error function
For computational efficiency, GELU is often approximated as: